Natchez Trace - AL to TN
Minnie woke up with a flat tire. So my morning was spent in Tupelo getting it fixed. Fortunately it was a valve extender problem that only cost $6 and I got all the tires checked. My heater seems to be having some glitches which have to do with the electric system also causing the step to malfunction sometimes. I have that looked at but it is nothing life threatening so I decide to live with it till I get back to Florida.I also discover Tupelo Honey is not from Tupelo, MS but from the bees feeding on the tupelo tree in northern Florida.The Natchez Trace cuts through the NW corner of Alabama then heads NE to Nashville. The picture shows a segment of the Old Trace which you can still walk for up to two mile segments at a time. (Or 4 miles for Holly because she has to sniff it from side to side.) As I end my 444 mile journey I see a bobcat cross the road in front of me, reminding me that it is getting to be late afternoon and I have an hour to go. I want to get off the parkway before animal feeding time - I have seen too many dead deer. The parkway leaves me off about 15 miles from Nashville and my serene trip ends as I get on I 40 at rush hour.I head to the Two Rivers Campground near Opryland. The next day I discover I have lost my vent cover somewhere on the parkway and go next door to the RV store to get a new one. My bike comes in handy as I zip back and forth till I find the right match. I also ride the bike the 2 miles down to the Grand Ole Opry building where I take the tour. Earlier I had taken the tour to the Ryman and downtown in one of those must do tourist things. There are many cool places to paint downtown - little bars like Tootsie's & the Bluebird that have so much music history. But I am part of the herd that prevents more than a snapshot view. I have an embarrassing picture taken on the stage of the Ryman. Gotta do it.

I got to Memphis yesterday afternoon and had been in contact with the Graceland people about painting on the grounds. I painted a late afternoon group of trees including the Bradford Pear tree which I have seen so much of in Tennessee - tomorrow it is supposed to rain so I take advantage of the late afternoon. The next day they called me and turned me down to paint on the grounds - and it was very cold and grey so I am just as happy not to. As Paul Simon sang "for reasons I cannot explain" I wanted to see Graceland. I took the first morning tour before leaving Memphis and was surprised at how much I liked it. I was never a big Elvis fan but there was something intriguing about Graceland. I was surprised at what an ordinary house it is - but I found myself feeling that he was an extraordinary person - something very decent and sad about him that comes through on the tour.