August 27, 2008
It is a beautiful drive across Rt 2 from Montana to Idaho. We come into Bonners Ferry as some rain clouds threaten from the northwest. This is the part of Idaho I had heard was a destination for survivalists 20 years ago but now seems to be under assault from realtors. We head down Rt 2 and find many great painting sites dotted with beautiful old barns and farms. I hope to find my destination before we hit Couer d’Alene which is my exit point to Washington state. Although I am seeing relatively little of Idaho, I have heard this is an especially scenic part. The rain lets up as we head south and we decide to stop for the night at Farragut State Park. Named for the Admiral, it is a former Navy training base on a beautiful lake. After getting to our site, we walk down to the lake to enjoy the sunset. The following day, I find a sunlit field of hay bales to paint while Roger goes for a run. Later we stop in at Dana Gallery in Couer d’Alene but unfortunately we are about 10 days early for the OPA western show.
It is a beautiful drive across Rt 2 from Montana to Idaho. We come into Bonners Ferry as some rain clouds threaten from the northwest. This is the part of Idaho I had heard was a destination for survivalists 20 years ago but now seems to be under assault from realtors. We head down Rt 2 and find many great painting sites dotted with beautiful old barns and farms. I hope to find my destination before we hit Couer d’Alene which is my exit point to Washington state. Although I am seeing relatively little of Idaho, I have heard this is an especially scenic part. The rain lets up as we head south and we decide to stop for the night at Farragut State Park. Named for the Admiral, it is a former Navy training base on a beautiful lake. After getting to our site, we walk down to the lake to enjoy the sunset. The following day, I find a sunlit field of hay bales to paint while Roger goes for a run. Later we stop in at Dana Gallery in Couer d’Alene but unfortunately we are about 10 days early for the OPA western show.